The 40 weeks of pregnancy are a magical time. Keeping a healthy lifestyle throughout pregnancy, as well as before and after, is the key for both baby and mother.
Foods Fit for Mom and Baby
Eat foods from each food group every day: Choose fruits, vegetables, or whole grains along with a protein as a snack between meals.
Whole grains: Bread, cereals, pasta and brown rice.
Whole fruits: Apples, pears, peaches, nectarines and melon. Since acid can cause heartburn, you may want to be cautious with the amount of acidic fruit you eat, like oranges, pineapples, lemons and limes.
Vegetables: Leafy greens, bell peppers, eggplant, bottle gourd and mushrooms.
Lean protein from both plant-based and animal-based sources: Try tofu, nuts, seeds, lentils, beans, sprouts, chicken and fish.
Low-fat dairy: Milk, cheese and yoghurt.
Healthful fats: Extra-virgin olive oil, walnuts, almonds and avocadoes.
Avoid extra calories from added sugar and fats, which can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Cut down on foods like regular soda, sweets, Mayonnaise sausage, Butter/margarine Chips, Salad dressing, Candy/cookies, Jelly/jam and fried snacks.
Getting Back Into Shape
Whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, you probably will not return to your
pre-pregnancy shape or weight right away. Do not be surprised if, after six months, you still weigh a little more than you did before you were pregnant. Remember, it took 9 months to gain the weight, and it may take at least that long to lose it. Check with your doctor about the
correct weight for your height and age.
It is important not to lose weight too fast. You will probably lose 4- 7kgs during the first week
or two after delivery. After that, you should eat enough so that you do not lose more than
450 gms each week.
Is There a Special Diet to Follow?
You need extra nutrients and energy for your baby’s health and development. Eating and
drinking more low-fat dairy products, lean meats, pulses, fruits, vegetables and whole grains will give your body the required nutrients and energy it needs to build a healthy baby. Eating foods like cake, cookies, soda and chips will not give your baby the nutrients it needs, but will
provide you with empty calories and weight gain.
When can I begin to exercise after giving birth?
Your body may still experience changes as a result of your pregnancy for at least 6 weeks after your baby is born. Listen to your body and start slowly. You can gradually start exercising again as soon as you feel able to. Walking is a good way to get back into exercising. Regular brisk walks will prepare you for returning to your normal exercise routine. Women who have had a cesarean delivery may need to delay their return to exercise. Physical activity after giving birth has been associated with less depression as long as the exercise is stress relieving and not stress provoking.
Does exercise affect breastfeeding?
Exercise has not been found to affect breastfeeding. In general, you will still produce the same amount of milk whether you exercise or not. However, it is extremely important to drink a lot of water when breastfeeding, especially if you are exercising.
If you have questions about the information or other concerns relating to nutrition during pregnancy, get in touch with us.